Ah! Such a beautiful day it is outside! I went out for fries under the bridge today, and let me tell you that it was quite wonderful. Can't wait until the weather gets even warmer for some time to tan. Now what to do, what to do? Perhaps I shall explain the other half of this title?
Yes, I believe I shall.
Now, I don't know how many of our readers are bilingual but I was given some work to do in my French class. (I should probably mention that I go to an all French school.) So this work that I have to do involves writing a French poem. Now let me tell you that the French language is very difficult to rhyme with and it is very difficult to make sense!
I am literally quite tongue tied trying to say and deliver the messages that I want in this poem of mine. If you want a part of the draft then here you go :
Sasie dans une cage elle-meme eriger
les ailes dechirer, briser a terre
la noiceaur teint ces plumes un noir si profond
les mains salles le salit par l'enterre
Now, unfortunately I can't add the correct accents and this is definitely a draft but a rough translation is this :
Captured in a cage she herself made
her wings are ripped, broken on the ground
the blackness taints her wings a deep black
dirty hands dirty her by burrying her
Someone please revoke my poet's license! I swear this has to be the worst poem I have ever written, no matter if it be in French! The French language has caused me great pain in writing this. I hope to God that I get better eventually. Or I am going to have some serious problems in the future as a poet.
I think that, in the future, we'll have to hold a contest for some of you poets out there! It would be an interesting thing to see some of the stuff you all write!
Well, that's really all I've got to say for now. I'll write some more later on, and maybe post a couple of tips on how to write great poetry. I think it would be fun, don't you?
Well, that's really all I've got to say for now. I'll write some more later on, and maybe post a couple of tips on how to write great poetry. I think it would be fun, don't you?