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Meet the Writers of this lovely blog :

Sabryna Brooks is the founder of "Delirious Musings of a Writer", inspired by some of her friends to create a blog in which she would be able to give creative ideas and helpful advice to those budding authors much like hereself. Sabryna has a dream of going away to Ireland and taking a trip to Greece in order to find more inspiration for her novels; and simply for the pleasure of it. She aspires to become a well-known author, and is often wasting the day away at her computer planning out whatever piece she may be working on at the time. As it were, she tends to sleep the day away and stay awake throughout the night when she gets her best ideas. 

She lives in Canada, dreaming of the day she can finally buy a plane ticket to Ireland. Or Japan. That's another thing : she is in love with Irish accents and anime. She's kind of a geek like that. Emily has a bad habit of being blunt, and her mind jumps around way too much. She's a random, and hopeless-romantic, an adventure-seeking girl with her head in the clouds. And she likes it like that.

Kailyn Fletcher is the co-author to "Delirious Musings of a Writer". When she's not sitting at the computer procrastinating writing, she's either got her nose in a book or she's binge watching one of her favorite TV shows. She likes to watch football with her dad, shop with her mom and try to find a moment of quiet away from her ten brothers and sisters. She loves buying books, unicorns, Doctor Who and Sherlock, her little pup Lucky and rainy days. Her biggest wish, aside from being published one day, is to take a trip to Italy and eat as much pasta as she possibly can.